How to become a Freelancer

3 min readMar 19, 2022

Since there is limited knowledge about becoming a freelancer

Lets be real, making passive income is quite a challenge, because in life nothing is really free of work. Even if you create an ebook, you’ll most likely have to do one of two things: Pay someone to do it; or , do it yourself. To translate: Pay money for time: or trade time for money. There still going to be some type of work being done for time. So here is a easy tutorial of how to find out if a side gig is for you, knowledge is power after all.

Freelancing by me, S.C

What is freelancing?

Let’s break the word down. The word “free” means not in control or in the power of another person;freedom. While “lance” mean to open with or pierce with. Together, these words mean to open opportunities as you please. But for a more direct definition for a dictionary, freelancing is a person who is self employed and not necessarily committed to one employer. Basically “open” to all the opportunities free of a contract.

Example of freelancing is being a graphic designer from Fiverr or transcribing someone’s YouTube videos. Or even help be a provider for a dropshipper, also driving for Uber or delivering food for Doordash- the list goes on and on.

Why should you freelance?

You can do this side gig as a passion or a “part time job” if you want. It can be some extra bucks in your pocket or a whole band ( a band is slang for a stack of 100’s). And I’m serious you can make a lot of money check this out. Your schedule is under your control, so you should at least give it a try.

How to figure out what to do as a freelancer

Freelancing is pretty easy to understand HOWEVER now you probably thinking ‘what should I do’. It’s easy; Monetize your talent. If you can write good blogs, or even make YouTube videos, or produce music in your spare time,

Shia LaBeouf Meme

Shout out to myself PGGLifestlye. Check it out if you want to. But anyways, anything you love, you can make a profit from it. I hate the cliché “You can’t pay the bills with your passion” IT’S A DAMN LIE ୧((#Φ益Φ#))୨

It just that it takes time, patience and consistency is key. Think of freelancing as a fresh startup business, it takes time to get one customer, next week you don't get none, the next week you get 3 customers. Before you know it, You have 500000 clients within a years time.

Everything great comes with patience. — S.C

I know someone said that quote but I can’t remember their name lol. So I , Dio, made a quote in my words of wisdom.

Resourceful for freelancers

Read my previous article discussing options other than Fiverr and Upwork . But I’m very generous so I’ll give you more: (´ ∀ ` *)

  • peopleperhour
  • TaskRabbit

La conclusion

Freelancing is a effective way to make extra money on the side or you can choose to make it your full time job, the point is you have a choice. Don’t limit yourself to only one option.




I'm a new writer that has a passion of creating my own anime or manga and owning a business. Love ya and stay positive. (。•̀ᴗ-)✧