How to Make money on Instagram

Make money as a internet influencer.

4 min readApr 6, 2022
Photo by Solen Feyissa on Unsplash

If you have a talent weather its drawing, makeup, etc, you can monetize it. Its quite simple, however, it the the start that is the difficult part.

The start

First and foremost, you obviously have to have a Instagram account. Duh. Make sure you choose your niche and stick to it.

What can you do

You can post “posts”, “reels” (videos), and stories (basically vlogging or making a comment on an event in your life.) So you can utilize this to the fullest since you have options. And quite similar to Medium, there's a requirement of followers to start your monetization:

  • gain 1000 followers
  • constant activity (being on there all the time)
  • Have at least a 3% engagement rate ( likes and comments on your account)
  • or course, no provocative stuff (think about the children Karen and Daren)

Tip: Upload something everyday like one to two times everyday, and you will see you followers will flood in. And you can use Tiktok as well as it is an easy source to advertise your content for free, and sweat free.

How can you do it

You can make a free post with a template with Canva or Picmonkey. But if your more savvy, you can always use Adobe Photoshop. For videos, I recommend using Kapwing or Adobe Premiere.

Uploading your content

You simply click the plus (+) button in the middle of you phone screen. For computers, its on the left of your screen. Once you click it it will give you an option of the file you want to choose. Once selected you will get the option to make a description, this is key: tags and hashtags. Hashtags are the tags that help you get exposure to specific communities and people like you (like a “for you” page or “recommended for you” page) while Tags are people you have a collaboration with in the post or video.

The middle

By a months time, you will have gained at least some followers for your hard-work, consistency, and good quality content. Now obviously, you content will never be perfect nor good,but just upload it, you never know who might like it. Don’t let your insecurities get in the way of your goals.

Tip: If you have burnout, stop and take care of yourself. Please! I know when you live in a world that's all about hustle culture, it might be hard. But take a break when you need. Just make sure you let your audience know, trust me, they'll relate and accept you. make sure to give yourself love and tender care, like take a bath or read your book you’ve been putting off for months. Or get a haircut.

The money

Now for the time we all been waiting for: the mulah, the dinero, the dough, you get it- the bank. You can get money by being affiliated with companies, and you can even share your own business on there! When you're affiliated they use the terms such as “partnership” or “sponsor” so don't be afraid, get happy! This is your time to shine. Once you get a affiliate link, you can simply put the link in your “ business” in settings. and then it’ll pop up (like Twitter) on your account when anyone check your account. Or an even better option, you can paste you link on your stories ( click the sticker when you edit your stories, and the option will be their with a link icon.

Demonstration of adding link to your stories

La Conclusion

Its a journey you should take if you want to make some side cash really. You can make a living wage out of this business but the problem is the semi-high workload, patience, and consistency. I do believe it’s possible to make money from Instagram though hope this tutorial helped. Have a blessed day xoxo. make sure to leave a clap and follow for more content like this, it really helps me out in figuring out what to write. (I always have writers block even thought i have a ton of creativity. Life happens lmao.) But thank you for reading! (。・//ε//・。).

My goal: 100 Followers

As of right now( “what do you want to tell Joe Biden right now?” “Sup baby take-) I have: 6 followers

Thank you followers!

This article contains no affiliate links. Just sources my dudes. (≧◡≦) ♡




I'm a new writer that has a passion of creating my own anime or manga and owning a business. Love ya and stay positive. (。•̀ᴗ-)✧